- Come with a great attitude!
- Respect and submit to the Student Ministry staff, leaders, and other students at all times (Hebrews 13:17).
- Be punctual. Respect other's time and show up to services, meals, and other planned events on time.
- Respect the rules of the site: sleep times, furniture usage, cleanliness, etc.
- Electronic devices will be used at your leader's discretion.
- Do not leave the site without your leader's permission.
- Do not interact one-on-one with a student of the opposite gender.
- Respect other students with your words and actions.
- Respect other's personal belongings.
- No pranking.
- No bullying (physically, verbally, or emotionally).
- No all-nighters. Sleep is important for the next day’s value.
- No energy drinks, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, weapons, or illegal substances.
If a student fails to abide by the guidelines mentioned above, they can be sent home at any time and possibly forfeit future overnight event opportunities at the discretion of the Student Ministry staff.
Dress Code
- Shorts need to have a minimum of a 5 inch inseam.
- Tank top straps need to be 3 fingers in width, and tank tops cannot be cut or show any skin. Shirts with cutoff sleeves can not show any skin either.
- Pants should come up to the waistline. We should not see anyone’s underwear under any circumstances.
- Guys are required to wear swim trunks with a 5-inch inseam and trunks should come up to the waistline.
- No clothing advertising alcohol, tobacco, suggestive sayings, etc. will be permitted
- Shorts need to have a minimum of a 5 inch inseam.
- Dresses, skirts, skorts, etc. need to be fingertip length and have no slits.
- If you wear leggings, please wear a shirt that covers your behind.
- Tank top straps need to be 3 fingers in width, and tank tops cannot be cut or show any skin.
- All girls are to wear bras, and we should never see any part of them.
- Girls are required to wear shorts with a one piece bathing suit while swimming. No cutouts on your sides, stomach, chest, etc. If all you have is a two-piece bathing suit, you must wear a dark T-shirt cover and shorts while swimming.
- No clothing advertising alcohol, tobacco, suggestive sayings, etc. will be permitted
The Student Ministry staff reserves the right to require any camper to change clothes if the clothing is deemed inappropriate.