re:generation is a biblically-based discipleship program for adults 18 years and older that offers healing, recovery, and freedom from any type of struggle.
Whether you've been married for 50 years or are just starting out, whether your marriage is strong or you're facing a crisis, we can help you grow, strengthen, and repair your marriage.
Lay counselors do not take the place of a professional counselor. Instead, they seek to resolve issues before they become large and complex. Lay counseling is available to people who have been regularly attending for at least three months.
We are happy to provide a list of local professional counselors with a wide variety of specialties. This list is provided as a courtesy, and WoodsEdge is not responsible for the services of these counselors.
Located on our campus, The Hope Center provides food pantry, ESL classes, legal immigration assistance, and job resources for people in The Woodlands/Spring area.
Career issues. Working through grief. Unexpected pregnancy. Battling PTSD. There are ministries in our area that are ready to provide support, safety, and healing.
Our staff is ready help you in this time of sorrow by providing funeral services for our members and their families. Contact us at .
Our Financial Care Ministry exists to provide assistance to active WoodsEdge attendees during a season of need. View our guidelines below as well as other local organizations that can help.