The WoodsEdge Children's Ministry serves kids from birth through sixth grade. Our passion is to nurture the next generation's love for Jesus and help them know they are deeply loved by their Heavenly Father.
Birth-Grade 4
Location: Kids Building
Drop-Off and Pickup: Kids Building, downstairs
Large Group: Jungle Jam
Purpose: To incite wonder and lay fundamental building blocks for the Gospel and discipleship.
Basic Truths:
Drop-Off and Pickup: Kids Building, upstairs
Large Group: Broadcast Room (grades 1-2), Studio 34 (grades 3-4)
Purpose: To provoke discovery and invite children to grow in wisdom, faith, and friendship.
Basic Truths:
Drop-Off and Pickup: Fifty6 Building
Core Purpose: To affirm these young students to own their own faith and to value a faith community.
Basic Truths:
Sunday morning programming for birth–grade 6 is available at the 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. services. All of our classrooms open 15 minutes prior to each service.
If it is your first time with us, please proceed to our Channel One Children’s Ministry Welcome Center inside the Worship Center entrance. One of our greeters will be glad to check-in your family. We utilize a security tag system for you and your children so please check in here first.
All children participating in children’s programming must be checked in each week through our computer system. This is an important step in our security process and we appreciate your help. You may also notice a team of police officers that canvas our campus and ministry environments, including children's ministry. Be sure to say hello, we love our security team!
We have Wednesday night programming for kids from birth through sixth grade. We also offer JOYBridge support by reservation.
To make a JOYBridge reservation, email .
Zach and Kristen Wooldridge have been serving the same group of kids for seven years. When they started volunteering, the kids were in second grade. Now those kids are in high school! This is Zach and Kristen's story.
FaithPath is a step-by-step plan to help you intentionally guide your child’s spiritual journey. Each phase of FaithPath is aligned with your child’s age and prepares you for a corresponding milestone in your child’s faith formation.
FaithPath is coming this fall! To receive updates and learn more, sign up for the FaithPath email list.
Select an event below to register for the entire semester. If you have any questions please contact Mandy Sand at .
To cancel childcare for an event, fill out this form.
We believe that baptism is a choice someone makes after they trust in Jesus as their personal Savior. We celebrate our children's declaration of faith in Jesus at our Family Baptism Celebration. Our baptism celebrations take place immediately following the last Sunday morning service in our outside baptism pool.
Friends and family are invited and encouraged to attend. Parents are also welcome to be baptized with their children.
Baptism Class: This required class focuses on what the Bible says about sin, forgiveness, baptism, and a personal relationship with Jesus. It's casual, fun, and interactive. We require that at least one parent attend the class with the child being baptized. Each family leaves with a resource to utilize at home for further conversation. We offer this class on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings prior to the Family Baptism Celebration.
We love celebrating Child Dedications in our Sunday morning services. As a part of this celebration, parents will create a written blessing over their child and receive a framed keepsake.
Upcoming Dedication Dates:
Legacy Class: This one-time, one-hour class is typically offered two weeks prior to the dedication at both 9 and 11 a.m. It is designed for parents to learn what it means to impart a godly legacy to their children. This class is a prerequisite for parents who are participating in Child Dedication.
We have curated a list of staff-recommended resources for you as a parent to help you disciple your children. Click the link below to view the list of trusted resources!