Join us on Sunday at 9am, 11am and 1pm (español).

Jack Deere, formerly an associate professor of old testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, is a writer and lecturer who speaks on friendship with God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jack is a best selling author and some of his most recent works include, "Why I am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit" and "Even in Our Darkness."

If you missed any of Jack's sessions when he was with us, you can view them below.

Watch sessions below

Jack Deere | May 19 - Wednesday Night

Jack Deere | May 16 - "Baptism Of The Spirit"

Jack Deere | May 16 - "Beauty Of The Lord" 

Jack Deere | October 4 - "The Simplicity of the Gospel" 

Jack Deere | October 4 - "Discipleship" 

Jack Deere | October 5 - "Why God Heals" 

Jack Deere | October 6 - "Answering Questions About Healing"

Jack Deere | October 7 - "Hearing God's Voice"