Breathe the Breath of God

March 08, 2024

The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul. 
Psalm 19:7a


At times we grow weary. We are confused and lonely. We struggle with doubts and fears. We battle disappointment and anger, guilt and shame. We are so human.

In any and all of these dark times, flee to God in his Word. Meet God in the pages of Scripture. Let the Word of God wash over you, cleanse you, heal you. The Spirit of God will take the Word of God and revive your soul.

How does this happen? Why does this happen? Simple. This book is alive. It pulsates with life, God’s life. A dead, dry book of theology? Hardly! Rather, it is aflame with life-giving power.

When we read this book, we breathe the breath of God. Our soul is renewed, restored, rejuvenated.

At various times, John White was a psychiatrist, counselor, missionary, pastor and writer. He penned eloquent words on the power of Scripture to revive his soul. In his book, The Fight, he writes:

In the darkest periods of my life when everything seemed hopeless, I would struggle in the grey dawns of many faraway countries to grasp the basic truths of Scripture passages. I looked for no immediate answers to my problems. Only did I sense intuitively that I was drinking drafts from a fountain that gave life to my soul.

Slowly as I grappled with textual and theological problems, a strength grew deep within me. Foundations cemented themselves to an other-worldly rock beyond the reach of time and space, and I became strong and more alive. If I could write poetry about it I would.  If I could sing through paper, I would flood your soul with the glorious melodies that express what I have found. I cannot exaggerate for there are no expressions majestic enough to tell of the glory I have seen or of the wonder of finding that I, a neurotic, unstable, middle-aged man have my feet firmly planted in eternity and breathe the air of heaven. And all this has come to me through a careful study of Scripture.

That’s exactly how I feel about God’s Word. Without it, I would not have made it. 

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul” (Psalm 19:7a). 


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