On Sunday, March 1, the WoodsEdge family will join together to engage in a forty-day prayer challenge. In the days that lead to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection we will seek a time of personal renewal as we seek the face and hand of God! We anticipate that God will move more deeply in our lives as we set aside the distractions of this world and raise the bar in our prayer lives. We invite you to seek God and ask him what the forty-day prayer challenge might look like for you.
Ask: What do I need to surrender in order to draw near to you? Food? Dessert? Social media? TV?
Time with God
Meet with God daily in Scripture and in prayer.
Corporate Prayer
If you are in town, attend the Wednesday Night Prayer Service.
For Those Yet to Be Saved
Especially pray for your Top 5.
Ask: God, in this season, who are my Top 5?
Am I supposed to take a next step with them?
Reflect Daily on the Glory of the Cross
Continually practice confession, repentance and walking out God’s grace.
Pray now. when someone shares a need, pray with them at that moment.
Prayer walk -your neighborhood, local school, office, etc.