Ways to Serve

Below are ways that you can bring the hope of the gospel to people globally. 

International Ministry Partners

Freedom Firm is an international organization in Asia working to rescue minors who have been sold into the commercial sex trade, restore their identities, and seek justice against those who perpetrate these crimes. WoodsEdge takes a short-term trip there each year to put on a camp for these young women, helping to bring them hope and healing. For more information, contact Leah Henck at  .in

Hope4Burundi is a non-profit mission organization whose goal is to share the hope of Christ with the people of Burundi and see the country restored by partnering with local Burundi Christian leaders who are impacting their country. Their desire is to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of this country known as “The Heart of Africa” that has suffered much from waves of internal conflict which have resulted in poverty, vulnerability to disease, restricted access to education and an abundance of widows and orphans. Pray for Burundi. For more information, contact Suzanne Handley at 

Cross-Cultural Missionary

A Cross-Cultural Missionary is someone who is committed to living out the Great Commission overseas to make Jesus known among the lost. If you are already reaching your community with the gospel and feel like the Lord is calling you to pursue long-term international ministry with us, we’d love to talk about how we can support you!

WoodsEdge sends teams each year to serve alongside our partner ministries overseas and to help bring relief in crisis situations. Short-Term Trips offer the best opportunity for a new perspective on God's heart for the nations. We long to see every member of WoodsEdge participate in a Short-Term Trip each year by going, giving, or leading!


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